My Vending Machine is Not Accepting Coins – What Should I Do?

In some cases, the vending machine might fail to accept coins due to various reasons. This includes worn-out or dirty parts, low change, and outdated mechanisms. First, you can try using another coin to see if it accepts it this time. If not, then you will need to rebuild the coin mechanism in your vending machine. Also, check the coin mechanism to see how much change you have available so that you can refill the mechanism.

In case the vending machine refuses to accept coins due to dust, dirt or grease, then take the mechanism out, clean the elements and try again. Also, the coins are being rejected because the machine cannot register newer coins as legitimate payments. In this case, you will need to update the coin mechanism to accept new coins and replace old and worn pieces. Feel free to contact our vending machine service technicians to update and repair your vending machine and troubleshoot all such problems – we serve the Sydney metro area, Newcastle and Central Coast regions.

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